Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 24

1) Which of the following is true about blood plasma?
A) The main protein component is hemoglobin.
B) It is a faint yellow fluid.
C) It is the same as serum but without the clotting proteins.
D) It is about 90% water.
Answer: D) It is about 90% water.

2) What is the function of chloroplast in a plant cell?
A) absorb nutrients from soil
B) absorb water
C) absorb sunlight
D) All of the above
Answer: C) absorb sunlight

3) Excretion rates of drugs vary greatly depending upon
A) type of drug
B) medical condition of the person who took the drug
C) Both A & B
D) time at which drug was taken
Answer: C) Both A & B

4) Gluconeogenesis is a term that describes the synthesis of
5) Which statement correctly describes the role of chance in evolution?
A) An allele that increases evolutionary fitness cannot be lost from a population by chance events.
B) The ultimate source of new alleles is mutation, random changes in the nucleotide sequences of an organism's DNA
C) Evolutionary change proceeds by an accumulation of changes that occur by chance.
D) None of the above
Answer: B) The ultimate source of new alleles is mutation, random changes in the nucleotide sequences of an organism's DNA

6) The mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is 
A) holozoic
B) holophytic
C) saprophytic
D) parasitic
Answer: A) holozoic

7) Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces 4 haploid cells.
Answer: A) TRUE

8) The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by
B) Enzymes
C) Nucleotides
Answer: A) DNA

9) Nitrogenous Food is
A) Proteins
B) Carbohydrates
C) Salts
D) Lipids
Answer: A) Proteins

10) The basic unit of the nervous system is the
A) Lymphs
B) Nephrons
C) Nerves
D) Neurons
Answer: D) Neurons

11) Where in the cell are chromosomes located?
A) mitochondria
D) Nucleus
Answer: D) Nucleus

12) Botany is also known as
A) Phytology
B) Phycology
C) Pedology
D) Plantophyta
Answer: A) Phytology

13) Prokaryotic cells lack
A) Membrane bound by organelles
B) Nucleolus
C) Nuclear membrane
D) All the above
Answer: D) All the above

14) Which is a homologous chromosome pair?
A) Tetrad
B) Gamate
C) Chromatid
D) Zygote
Answer: A) Tetrad

16) Fat is completely digested in the
A) small intestine
B) mouth
C) large intestine
D) stomach
Answer: A) small intestine

17) Which of the following defines a genome?
A) Every human cell
B) the complete set of an organism's genes and other DNA sequences
C) the complete set of an organism's polypeptides
D) a karyotype
Answer: B) the complete set of an organism's genes and other DNA sequences

18) Select the correct statement about lymphocytes.
A) Lymph transport is faster than that occurring in veins
B) Lymph transport depends on the movement of adjacent tissues, such as skeletal muscles
C) Lymph transport is only necessary when illness causes tissue swelling
D) Under normal conditions, lymph vessels are very high-pressure conduits
Answer: B) Lymph transport depends on the movement of adjacent tissues, such as skeletal muscles

19) Outward extension of the shoulder bone is the
A) acromion
B) foramen
C) cancellous bone
D) All of the above
Answer: A) acromion

20) What carries Blood back to the Heart?
A) Veins
B) Arteries
C) Both A & B
D) None
Answer: A) Veins

21) In photosynthesis________
A) Light energy is converted into chemical energy
B) Chemical energy is converted into Light energy
C) Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy
D) Light energy is converted into Mechanical energy
Answer: A) Light energy is converted into chemical energy

22) Transmission of stimuli from one part of body to other part takes place through __________
A) Muscular tissue
B) Epithelium tissue
C) Connective tissue
D) Nervous tissue
Answer: D) Nervous tissue

23) Succus Entericus is secreted by
A) Auerbach's plexus
B) Peyers patches.
C) Brunner's glands
D) Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Answer: D) Crypts of Lieberkuhn

24) A polygenic trait is controlled by 3 genes A, B and C. In a cross AaBbCc x AaBbCc, the phenotypic ratio of the offsprings was observed as 1 : 6 : m : 20 : m : 6 : 1. What is the value of m?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 18
D) 24
Answer: B) 15

25) Infection of salivary glands by a virus leads to 
A) tetanus
B) mumps
C) pyorrhoea
D) ulcers
Answer: B) mumps

26) ATP is a compound that is synthesized when
A) digestive enzymes break amino acids into smaller pieces
B) energy stored in nitrogen is released froming amino acids
C) energy is stored in chemical bonds is released during cellular respiration
D) chemical bonds between carbon atoms are formed by during photo synthesis
Answer: C) energy is stored in chemical bonds is released during cellular respiration

27) Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division 
A) Mesristmatic tissue
B) Permanent tissue
C) Both a and b
D) None of these
Answer: B) Permanent tissue

28) Important component that helps in clotting of the blood is called ____.
A) Haemoglobin
B) Platelets
C) Serum
D) Plasma
Answer: B) Platelets

29) What molecule carries genetic information?
C) Proteins
D) Nucleotides
Answer: B) DNA

30) Which of the following organelle is known as the 'Power House' of the cell?
A) Golgi Bodies
B) Ribosomes
C) Mitochondria
D) None of these
Answer: C) Mitochondria

31) Which statement about capillaries is correct?
A) their walls are covered with cilia
B) they warm and humidify inhaled air
C) their walls are only one cell thick
D) they move mucus through the lungs
Answer: C) their walls are only one cell thick

32) Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?
A) Chloroplast
B) Centrosome
C) Tonoplast
D) Nematoblast
Answer: A) Chloroplast

33) Vitamins are
A) Macro Nutrients
B) Micro nutrients
C) Essential Amino acids
D) Non essential Amino acids
Answer: B) Micro nutrients

34) Which one of the following is a plant hormone?
A) Cytokinin
B) Oestrogen
C) Thyroxin
D) Insulin
Answer: A) Cytokinin

35) The valve present between left auricle and left ventricle is
A) Mitral
B) Tricuspid
C) Semilunar
D) Pulmonary
Answer: A) Mitral

36) Which one of the following strongly threatens biodiversity?
A) Eragile ecosystems such as mangroves and wetlands
B) Inaccessible habitates in the Himalayas
C) Desstruction of natural habitates and regetation and Jhum cultivation
D) Creation of biosphere reserves
Answer: C) Desstruction of natural habitates and regetation and Jhum cultivation

37) Which of the following is an Abiotic factor?
A) Plants
B) Water
C) Consumers
D) Animals
Answer: B) Water

38) REM sleep is also known as paradoxical sleep because
A) Measures of the brain activity closely resemble waking consciousness, but the person is incapable of moving.
B) The person can have night terrors during this stage but will not remember them in the morning. (E) Th e person's vital signs are very slow, but the person can get up and walk around
C) Measures of the brain activity closely resemble waking consciousness, but the person is in the deepest stage of sleep.
D) The person's heart rate is slower than when awake, but the person can sleepwalk or sleep talk.
Answer: A) Measures of the brain activity closely resemble waking consciousness, but the person is incapable of moving.

39) Where is excess glucose stored?
A) Blood
B) Liver
C) Heart
D) Kidneys
Answer: B) Liver

40) Who discovered the monomers of nucleic acids?
A) James Watson, Francis Crick, and Rosalind Franklin
B) Friedrich Miescher
C) Phoebus Levene
D) Gerardus Johannes Mulder and Jöns Jacob Berxelius
Answer: C) Phoebus Levene

41) The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of
A) cell
B) plasma membrane
C) nucleus
D) All of the above
Answer: B) plasma membrane

42) Biological complete proteins are found in
A) Potato, Onion, Carrot
B) Apple, Egg, Wheat
C) Rice, Meat, Butter
D) Meat, Milk, Egg
Answer: D) Meat, Milk, Egg

43) In plants, chloroplasts are necessary for 
A) photosynthesis
B) storage
C) cell movement
D) respiration
Answer: A) photosynthesis

44) Infection of salivary glands by a virus leads to 
A) tetanus
B) mumps
C) pyorrhoea
D) ulcers
Answer: B) mumps

45) Which statement concerning the diagnosis of ADHD is true?
A) Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls
B) Most children "outgrow" symptoms of ADHD
C) About 20 percent of school-age children are diagnosed with ADHD
D) Racial minority status is a good predictor of being diagnosed with ADHD
Answer: A) Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls

46) DNA is copied during a process called
A) transcription
B) transformation
C) translation
D) replication
Answer: A) transcription

47) The process of bones increasing in width is known as
A) appositional growth
B) concentric growth
C) closing of the epiphyseal plate
D) long bones reaching adult length and width
Answer: A) appositional growth

48) Which is not a function of the cytoskeleton?
A) helps the cell move
B) gives cell a shape
C) prevents chromosomes from separating
D) None of the above
Answer: C) prevents chromosomes from separating

49) When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat, the person is suffering from
A) Marasmus
B) Kwashiorkor
C) Scurvy
D) Obesity
Answer: D) Obesity

50) The universal donor belongs to blood group
A) A
B) B
D) O
Answer: D) O

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Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 24 Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 24 Reviewed by SSC NOTES on February 06, 2023 Rating: 5
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