Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 25

1) Which of the following statements is not true about metabolism?
A) Younger people generally have a slower metabolism than adults.
B) Basal metabolism is the amount of energy needed for sustaining life.
C) Basal metabolism is measured by the amount of calories burned when your body is inactive.
D) Metabolism is influenced by numerous factors, such as heredity and age.
Answer: A) Younger people generally have a slower metabolism than adults.

2) During the process of protein synthesis, each trna carries one
A) amino acid
B) nucleotide
C) fatty acid
D) nucleic acis
Answer: A) amino acid

3) The light reactions of photosynthesis supply the calvin cycle with
A) CO2and ATP
C) light energy
D) H2O and NADPH
Answer: B) ATP and NADPH

4) Cholesterol belongs to which class of molecules?
A) Lipids
B) Carbohydrates
C) Nucleic acids
D) Proteins
Answer: A) Lipids

5) Which two functional groups are always found in amino acids?
A) Carbonyl and amine
B) Ketone and amine
C) Amine and carboxyl
D) Aldehyde and amine
Answer: C) Amine and carboxyl

6) Most bacteria reproduce by
A) budding
B) binary fission
C) fragmentation
D) mitosis
Answer: B) binary fission

7) Nitrogen fixing bacteria is useful in growing which crop ________
A) Wheat
B) Paddy
C) Legume
D) Maiz
Answer: C) Legume

8) Variation in human skin color is an example of
A) Heredity
B) Polygenic traits
C) Multiple alleles
D) Incomplete dominance
Answer: B) Polygenic traits

9) Flowers in which polllination takes place by insect their pollen grains are ________
A) Smooth and dry
B) Rough and sticky
C) Rough and dry
D) Large in Size
Answer: B) Rough and sticky

10) Which describes how mRNA is used by a cell?
A) It is used to move information to other cells.
B) It is used to check DNA for mutations.
C) It is used to replicate DNA for mitosis.
D) It is used to transfer genetic information.
Answer: D) It is used to transfer genetic information.

11) Which statement is one component of the cell theory?
A) DNA is the basis of genetic transfer
B) All living cells arise from pre-existing cells
C) All cells are composed of same organelles
D) Tissues are formed from combinations of cells
Answer: B) All living cells arise from pre-existing cells

12) Which of the following is not a function of saliva?
A) contains fluoride to harden the tooth enamel
B) moistens food and helps stick it together to make it easier to swallow
C) begins the chemical breakdown of starches
D) helps clean the mouth
Answer: A) contains fluoride to harden the tooth enamel

13) Who is known as father of  Biology
A) Aristotle
B) Darwin
C) Lamark
D) Linneus
Answer: A) Aristotle

14) Which of the following statements about aldosterone is NOT correct?
A) Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption by increasing the number of Na+-K+ ATPase pumps in the luminal membrane of the proximal tubule.
B) Aldosterone is stimulated by decreased plasma sodium levels and increased plasma potassium levels.
C) Aldosterone is produced in the adrenal cortex.
D) Aldosterone increases the number of passive sodium channels in the luminal membrane of the distal tubule and collecting duct, thus aiding sodium reabsorption.
Answer: A) Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption by increasing the number of Na+-K+ ATPase pumps in the luminal membrane of the proximal tubule.

15) The Vitamin required for the synthesis of nucleic acid is
A) Tocoferorl
B) Folic acid
C) Cyanocobalamine
D) Riboflavin
Answer: B) Folic acid

16) Where do arteries carry blood?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Tissues
D) Brain
Answer: A) Heart

17) Membrane bound organelles are not found in the cells of
A) Eukaryotes
B) Prokaryotes
C) Both A & B
D) Nokaryotes
Answer: B) Prokaryotes

18) DNA is made of repeating units called
A) Nucleotides
B) Ribozomes
C) Peptides
D) Aminoacids
Answer: A) Nucleotides

19) Human Heart is made up of
A) nervous tissue
B) cardiac muscle
C) nonstriated muscle
D) connective tissue
Answer: B) cardiac muscle

20) What base is found on RNA but not on DNA?
A) Uracil
B) Thymine
C) Adenine
D) None of the above
Answer: A) Uracil

21) Where does protein synthesis take place?
A) Nucleus
B) Ribosomes
C) On the cell wall
D) All of the above
Answer: B) Ribosomes

22) What process immediately preceeded protein synthesis at the ribosome?
A) transcription
B) replication
C) translation
D) duplication
Answer: A) transcription

23) The peripheral nervous system consists of
A) Nerves from eyes to CNS
B) Nerves from ears to CNS
C) Nerves from skin to CNS
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above

24) Which statement best describes Arteries?
A) They have thin walls and transport blood away from the heart
B) They have thick walls and transport blood toward the heart
C) They have thin walls and transport blood toward the heart
D) They have thick walls and transport blood away from the heart
Answer: D) They have thick walls and transport blood away from the heart

25) Nissil granules occur in
A) Eosinophil
B) Glial cell
C) Neuron
D) Lymphocyte
Answer: C) Neuron

26) Which statements about viruses are true?
A) HIV contains reverse transcriptase.
B) A retrovirus contains RNA.
C) Both A & B
D) All RNA-containing viruses are retroviruses.
Answer: C) Both A & B

27) Which of the following is a treatment for heart disease?
A) Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
B) Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting(CABG)
C) Heart transplant
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above

29) Visceral muscle is another name for
A) Cardiac muscle
B) Smooth muscle
C) Skeletal muscle
D) None of the above
Answer: B) Smooth muscle

30) The term aerotolerant anaerobe refers to an organism that
A) uses oxygen or grows without oxygen.
B) requires more oxygen than is present in air.
C) does not use oxygen but tolerates it.
D) requires less oxygen than is present in air.
Answer: C) does not use oxygen but tolerates it.

31) Select the correct statement about cellular respiration?
A) All the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration into carbon dioxide molecule
B) All the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration into NADH molecule
C) All the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration into ATP molecule
D) All the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration into water molecule
Answer: A) All the carbon atoms in glucose ultimately incorporated during cellular respiration into carbon dioxide molecule

32) Intrapulmonary pressure is the
A) pressure within the alveoli of the lungs
B) pressure within the pleural cavity
C) negative pressure in the intrapleural cavity
D) None of the above
Answer: A) pressure within the alveoli of the lungs

33) Organisms that live in the deep sea are mainly
A) Herbivores
B) Carnivores
C) Detritivores
D) None of the above
Answer: C) Detritivores

34) Where is the genetic information of the cell stored?
B) Cell membrane
C) Nucleus
D) None of the above
Answer: C) Nucleus

35) The temperature danger zone for food is
A) 5 - 63 deg
B) above 45 deg
C) below 15 deg
D) None of the above
Answer: A) 5 - 63 deg

36) What is a direct result of aerobic respiration?
A) The enzymes for anaerobic respiration are produced and stored in lysosomes
B) Alcohol is produced by yeast and bacteria
C) The potential energy of glucose is transferred to ATP molecules
D) Lactic acid is produced in muscle tissue
Answer: C) The potential energy of glucose is transferred to ATP molecules

37) Blood pressure is measured with
A) Thermometer
B) Barometer
C) Sphygmomanometer
D) Lactometer
Answer: C) Sphygmomanometer

38) In which of the following mammals estrous cycle is absent ?
A) Rabbit
B) Horse
C) Cow
D) Monkey
Answer: D) Monkey

39) Sort each description by the type of RNA it describes?
A) a, b, d - tRNA, c - mRNA, e, f - rRNA
B) a, c - tRNA, b, d - mRNA, e, f - rRNA
C) a, e, f - rRNA, b - mRNA, c, d - tRNA
D) None of the above
Answer: A) a, b, d - tRNA, c - mRNA, e, f - rRNA

40) During the light reactions of photosynthesis
A) the energy from sunlight is absorbed by the pigment chlorophyll
B) the water are obserbed by roots
C) the sunlight is reflected by the leaf pigments
D) All the above
Answer: A) the energy from sunlight is absorbed by the pigment chlorophyll

41) Bacteria divide by
A) Binary Fission
B) Spirilla
D) Fusion
Answer: A) Binary Fission

43) Which of the following is a mixed gland
A) Pituitary
B) Adrenal
C) Pancreas
D) Ovary
Answer: C) Pancreas

44) Which word best describes the structure of the cell membrane?
A) Rigid
B) Impermeable
C) Nonpolar
D) Layered
Answer: D) Layered

45) Finger like ends of the fallopian tubes are called
A) Fimbriae
B) Cysts
C) Papillae
D) Labia
Answer: A) Fimbriae

46) Goitre is due to the deficiency of
A) Calcium
B) Zinc
C) Selenium
D) Iodine
Answer: D) Iodine

47) Which of the following is true about veins?
A) Veins carry blood away from the heart, while arteries carry blood to the heart.
B) Veins are more muscular than arteries.
C) Veins have valves; arteries do not.
D) Veins have a smaller diameter lumen than arteries.
Answer: C) Veins have valves; arteries do not.

48) Which of the following is not an Endocrine Gland?
A) Spleen
B) Pituitary
C) Thyroid
D) Adrenal
Answer: A) Spleen

49) Which part of Nervous system controls involuntary actions
A) Medulla oblongata
B) Cerebellum
C) Hypothalamus
D) Spinal cord
Answer: A) Medulla oblongata

50) The type of fracture where bone is broken at several places
A) Complicated fracture
B) Green stick fracture
C) Impact fracture
D) Comminuted fracture
Answer: D) Comminuted fracture

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Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 25 Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 25 Reviewed by SSC NOTES on September 01, 2023 Rating: 5
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