Top 100 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download

Top 100 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download

Top 100 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download

1. What is Hibernate? Answer: Hibernate is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for Java that simplifies database access and management by mapping Java classes to database tables.

2. What are the advantages of using Hibernate? Answer: Some advantages of Hibernate include automatic object-relational mapping, database independence, caching, and simplified database queries.

3. Explain the Hibernate architecture. Answer: Hibernate architecture consists of SessionFactory, Session, Transaction, and Persistent Objects.

4. How does Hibernate achieve database independence? Answer: Hibernate achieves database independence through its dialects and database-specific SQL generation capabilities. Developers can configure the dialect to match the target database, and Hibernate will generate appropriate SQL queries.

5. What is the role of SessionFactory in Hibernate? Answer: The SessionFactory is responsible for creating and managing sessions. It is a thread-safe singleton object that should be initialized once during application startup.

6. What is a Session in Hibernate? Answer: A Session represents a single unit of work with the database and acts as a factory for creating, loading, and persisting objects.

7. Explain the difference between Session and SessionFactory in Hibernate. Answer: SessionFactory is a factory for Session objects, and there should be only one SessionFactory per application. On the other hand, Session objects are short-lived and are created and closed as needed to perform database operations.

8. How can you obtain a Session in Hibernate? Answer: You can obtain a Session using the SessionFactory's openSession() method.

9. What is a Transaction in Hibernate? Answer: A Transaction represents a single unit of work and ensures that all database operations within the unit are either committed or rolled back in case of an error.

10. How can you start a Transaction in Hibernate? Answer: Transactions in Hibernate are typically started by calling the beginTransaction() method on a Session.

11. What are the different states of an object in Hibernate? Answer: In Hibernate, objects can be in three states: transient, persistent, and detached.

12. Explain the transient state of an object in Hibernate. Answer: An object is in the transient state when it is not associated with any Hibernate Session and is not yet persisted in the database.

13. What is the persistent state of an object in Hibernate? Answer: An object is in the persistent state when it is associated with a Hibernate Session and is being managed by Hibernate.

14. How can you change the state of a transient object to a persistent state in Hibernate? Answer: The state of a transient object can be changed to a persistent state by calling the save() or persist() method on the Session.

15. Explain the detached state of an object in Hibernate. Answer: An object is in the detached state when it was previously associated with a Hibernate Session but is no longer managed by Hibernate.

16. What is the purpose of caching in Hibernate? Answer: Caching in Hibernate improves performance by reducing the number of database queries and reducing the overhead of object creation and initialization.

17. What are the types of caching in Hibernate? Answer: Hibernate supports three types of caching: first-level cache, second-level cache, and query cache.

18. Explain the first-level cache in Hibernate. Answer: The first-level cache is associated with the Session and is used to store objects that have been recently accessed or loaded from the database.

19. What is the purpose of the second-level cache in Hibernate? Answer: The second-level cache is shared across multiple Sessions and is used to store objects that are frequently accessed by different Sessions.

20. How do you enable the second-level cache in Hibernate? Answer: The second-level cache can be enabled by configuring a cache provider, such as EHCache or Infinispan, in the Hibernate configuration file.

21. What is the query cache in Hibernate? Answer: The query cache is used to cache the results of frequently executed queries, reducing the database load and improving query performance.

22. How can you enable the query cache in Hibernate? Answer: The query cache can be enabled by setting the hibernate.cache.use_query_cache property to true in the Hibernate configuration file.

23. What is Lazy Loading in Hibernate? Answer: Lazy Loading is a fetching strategy in Hibernate where related objects are loaded from the database only when they are accessed for the first time.

24. Explain Eager Loading in Hibernate. Answer: Eager Loading is a fetching strategy in Hibernate where related objects are loaded from the database immediately along with the main object.

25. How can you specify the fetching strategy in Hibernate? Answer: You can specify the fetching strategy using the fetch attribute of the @ManyToOne, @OneToOne, @OneToMany, or @ManyToMany annotations.

26. What is the purpose of the fetch attribute in Hibernate annotations? Answer: The fetch attribute in Hibernate annotations is used to specify the fetching strategy for associated entities.

27. What is the difference between fetch = FetchType.LAZY and fetch = FetchType.EAGER in Hibernate? Answer: With fetch = FetchType.LAZY, associated entities are loaded from the database only when they are accessed, while with fetch = FetchType.EAGER, associated entities are loaded immediately along with the main entity.

28. Explain the difference between cascade = CascadeType.ALL and cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST in Hibernate. Answer: With cascade = CascadeType.ALL, all operations performed on the main entity will be cascaded to the associated entities, including persist, update, and delete. With cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, only the persist operation will be cascaded.

29. How do you specify the cascade type in Hibernate? Answer: You can specify the cascade type using the cascade attribute of the @OneToMany or @ManyToOne annotations.

30. What is the purpose of the cascade attribute in Hibernate annotations? Answer: The cascade attribute in Hibernate annotations is used to specify which operations on the main entity should be cascaded to associated entities.

31. What are the different types of associations in Hibernate? Answer: Hibernate supports four types of associations: One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-One, and Many-to-Many.

32. Explain One-to-One association in Hibernate. Answer: One-to-One association in Hibernate represents a relationship where one entity is associated with exactly one instance of another entity.

33. Explain One-to-Many association in Hibernate. Answer: One-to-Many association in Hibernate represents a relationship where one entity is associated with multiple instances of another entity.

34. Explain Many-to-One association in Hibernate. Answer: Many-to-One association in Hibernate represents a relationship where multiple instances of one entity are associated with exactly one instance of another entity.

35. Explain Many-to-Many association in Hibernate. Answer: Many-to-Many association in Hibernate represents a relationship where multiple instances of one entity are associated with multiple instances of another entity.

36. How can you define One-to-One association in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define One-to-One association using the @OneToOne annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

37. How can you define One-to-Many association in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define One-to-Many association using the @OneToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

38. How can you define Many-to-One association in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define Many-to-One association using the @ManyToOne annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

39. How can you define Many-to-Many association in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define Many-to-Many association using the @ManyToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

40. How can you specify the mapping between entities in Many-to-Many association in Hibernate? Answer: The mapping between entities in Many-to-Many association is typically done using the @JoinTable annotation to specify the intermediary join table.

41. What is the purpose of the @JoinColumn annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @JoinColumn annotation is used to specify the foreign key column for a relationship between two entities.

42. What are the different inheritance strategies in Hibernate? Answer: Hibernate supports three inheritance strategies: Single Table, Joined, and Table Per Class.

43. Explain Single Table inheritance strategy in Hibernate. Answer: Single Table inheritance strategy in Hibernate stores the data of all subclasses in a single table and uses a discriminator column to differentiate between subclasses.

44. Explain Joined inheritance strategy in Hibernate. Answer: Joined inheritance strategy in Hibernate stores the data of each subclass in a separate table, and relationships between tables are established using foreign keys.

45. Explain Table Per Class inheritance strategy in Hibernate. Answer: Table Per Class inheritance strategy in Hibernate creates a separate table for each subclass, containing both the properties of the subclass and its parent class.

46. What is the purpose of the discriminator column in Hibernate? Answer: The discriminator column is used in Single Table inheritance strategy to differentiate between subclasses and identify the actual class of each row in the table.

47. How can you specify the inheritance strategy in Hibernate? Answer: You can specify the inheritance strategy using the @Inheritance annotation with the appropriate strategy attribute.

48. What is the purpose of the @MappedSuperclass annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @MappedSuperclass annotation is used to define a superclass whose properties are to be inherited by multiple entities.

49. How can you implement polymorphic associations in Hibernate? Answer: Polymorphic associations can be implemented in Hibernate using the @ManyToOne or @OneToOne associations with the @JoinColumn annotation.

50. Explain the use of @Transient annotation in Hibernate. Answer: The @Transient annotation is used to mark a property in an entity as non-persistent, meaning it will not be mapped to a database column.

51. How can you specify the length of a column in Hibernate? Answer: You can specify the length of a column using the length attribute of the @Column annotation.

52. What is the use of the nullable attribute in Hibernate annotations? Answer: The nullable attribute is used to specify whether a column can contain null values or not.

53. Explain the use of the insertable and updatable attributes in Hibernate annotations. Answer: The insertable attribute is used to specify whether a column should be included in the INSERT statement, and the updatable attribute is used to specify whether a column should be included in the UPDATE statement.

54. What is the purpose of the @ColumnDefault annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @ColumnDefault annotation is used to specify the default value of a column in the database.

55. What is the use of the unique attribute in Hibernate annotations? Answer: The unique attribute is used to specify whether a column should have a unique constraint in the database.

56. Explain the use of the @Temporal annotation in Hibernate. Answer: The @Temporal annotation is used to specify the type of a temporal property, such as Date or Timestamp.

57. How can you define a composite key in Hibernate? Answer: A composite key in Hibernate can be defined using the @EmbeddedId or @IdClass annotations.

58. What is the purpose of the @EmbeddedId annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @EmbeddedId annotation is used to specify that an embedded object should be used as the composite primary key for an entity.

59. Explain the use of the @IdClass annotation in Hibernate. Answer: The @IdClass annotation is used to specify a separate class that defines the attributes of the composite primary key for an entity.

60. What is the use of the @GeneratedValue annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @GeneratedValue annotation is used to specify the strategy for generating the value of a primary key.

61. How can you specify the generation strategy for the primary key in Hibernate? Answer: You can specify the generation strategy using the strategy attribute of the @GeneratedValue annotation.

62. Explain the GenerationType.IDENTITY strategy in Hibernate. Answer: The GenerationType.IDENTITY strategy in Hibernate uses an auto-incremented column in the database to generate unique primary key values.

63. Explain the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy in Hibernate. Answer: The GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy in Hibernate uses a database sequence to generate unique primary key values.

64. What is the purpose of the GenerationType.TABLE strategy in Hibernate? Answer: The GenerationType.TABLE strategy in Hibernate uses a separate table to generate unique primary key values.

65. How can you define a one-to-one mapping using XML configuration in Hibernate? Answer: In the XML configuration, you can define a one-to-one mapping using the <one-to-one> element.

66. How can you define a one-to-many mapping using XML configuration in Hibernate? Answer: In the XML configuration, you can define a one-to-many mapping using the <one-to-many> element.

67. How can you define a many-to-one mapping using XML configuration in Hibernate? Answer: In the XML configuration, you can define a many-to-one mapping using the <many-to-one> element.

68. How can you define a many-to-many mapping using XML configuration in Hibernate? Answer: In the XML configuration, you can define a many-to-many mapping using the <many-to-many> element.

69. What is the use of the <property> element in Hibernate XML configuration? Answer: The <property> element is used to define a simple property of an entity in Hibernate XML configuration.

70. What is the purpose of the <id> element in Hibernate XML configuration? Answer: The <id> element is used to define the primary key of an entity in Hibernate XML configuration.

71. How can you specify the generator class for the primary key in Hibernate XML configuration? Answer: You can specify the generator class using the class attribute of the <generator> element within the <id> element.

72. What is the use of the <version> element in Hibernate XML configuration? Answer: The <version> element is used to define a version property for optimistic locking in Hibernate.

73. Explain the concept of optimistic locking in Hibernate. Answer: Optimistic locking in Hibernate allows multiple users to access and modify the same data simultaneously without causing conflicts.

74. What is the purpose of the <composite-id> element in Hibernate XML configuration? Answer: The <composite-id> element is used to define a composite primary key in Hibernate XML configuration.

75. How can you define a one-to-one mapping using annotations in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a one-to-one mapping using the @OneToOne annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

76. How can you define a one-to-many mapping using annotations in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a one-to-many mapping using the @OneToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

77. How can you define a many-to-one mapping using annotations in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a many-to-one mapping using the @ManyToOne annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

78. How can you define a many-to-many mapping using annotations in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a many-to-many mapping using the @ManyToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

79. What is the use of the @JoinColumn annotation in Hibernate annotations? Answer: The @JoinColumn annotation is used to specify the foreign key column for a relationship between two entities.

80. How can you define a composite key using annotations in Hibernate? Answer: A composite key in Hibernate can be defined using the @EmbeddedId or @IdClass annotations.

81. How can you define a one-to-many mapping using JPA in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a one-to-many mapping using the @OneToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

82. How can you define a many-to-one mapping using JPA in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a many-to-one mapping using the @ManyToOne annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

83. How can you define a many-to-many mapping using JPA in Hibernate? Answer: You can define a many-to-many mapping using the @ManyToMany annotation with appropriate attributes to specify the association.

84. What is the purpose of the @GeneratedValue annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @GeneratedValue annotation is used to specify the strategy for generating the value of a primary key.

85. What is the purpose of the GenerationType.IDENTITY strategy in Hibernate? Answer: The GenerationType.IDENTITY strategy in Hibernate uses an auto-incremented column in the database to generate unique primary key values.

86. What is the purpose of the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy in Hibernate? Answer: The GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy in Hibernate uses a database sequence to generate unique primary key values.

87. What is the purpose of the GenerationType.TABLE strategy in Hibernate? Answer: The GenerationType.TABLE strategy in Hibernate uses a separate table to generate unique primary key values.

88. How can you enable caching in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can enable caching in Hibernate by adding the @Cacheable annotation to the entity class and configuring the caching provider in the Hibernate configuration.

89. What is the use of the @Cacheable annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @Cacheable annotation is used to indicate that the entity should be cached for improved performance.

90. How can you enable the second-level cache in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: To enable the second-level cache, you need to add the @Cache annotation to the entity class and configure the caching provider in the Hibernate configuration.

91. What is the purpose of the @Cache annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @Cache annotation is used to specify the caching settings for an entity.

92. How can you specify the caching region for an entity in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can specify the caching region using the region attribute of the @Cache annotation.

93. How can you enable the query cache in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: To enable the query cache, you need to add the @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation with usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY to the entity class.

94. What is the purpose of the @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation is used to enable caching for a query result.

95. How can you specify the caching region for a query result in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can specify the caching region using the region attribute of the @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation.

96. How can you define the primary key in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define the primary key using the @Id annotation on the property that represents the primary key.

97. How can you define the version property in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can define the version property using the @Version annotation on the property that represents the version.

98. How can you define a composite key in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: A composite key in Hibernate can be defined using the @EmbeddedId or @IdClass annotations.

99. How can you specify the generation strategy for the primary key in Hibernate using annotations? Answer: You can specify the generation strategy using the @GeneratedValue annotation with the appropriate strategy attribute.

100. What is the use of the @Transient annotation in Hibernate? Answer: The @Transient annotation is used to mark a property as non-persistent, meaning it will not be mapped to a database column.

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Top 100 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download Top 100 Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download Reviewed by SSC NOTES on September 22, 2023 Rating: 5
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